Hydrographic Surveys
Hydrographic Surveys
Uncrewed Survey Technology
Uncrewed Survey Technology
Geophysical Surveys
Geophysical Surveys
Positioning &
Construction Support
Positioning &
Construction Support
Floating LiDAR
Floating LiDAR
Metocean & Marine Environment
Tide modelling
Geotechnical Services
Geotechnical Services
Terrestrial Services
Terrestrial Services
UXO Surveys
UXO Surveys
Hydrographic Surveys
Our CPHS Level 1 personnel manage and execute Hydrographic Surveys for a variety of requirements. From IHO S-44 standards (Exclusive Order and Special Order through to Order 2), which is usually reserved for safety of vessel navigation, dredging support and production of charts and navigational products, through to route and engineering surveys, search surveys, pipeline inspection surveys and infrastructure mapping, environmental and habitat mapping or surveys to support feasibility studies.
Geophysical Surveys
We conduct geophysical surveys for a variety of applications such as for determining possible burial depth of subsea cable installations or determining sediment thickness for drill rig spud down or engineering of infrastructure.
Positioning & Construction Support
We will provide surface and subsea positioning in support of offshore construction projects such as Christmas Tree installations, umbilical and riser installations and FSO/FPSO installations and mooring replacements. We will conduct as-built/as-left surveys and infrastructure settlement studies and ROV mounted multibeam echosounder surveys and we will create or update your field layout drawings as required.
Metocean & Marine Environment
We deploy equipment, offshore, near shore or onshore for measuring wave height, weather or currents through the whole water column for short term; over a few days, or long term; over several years. We also routinely measure multiple seawater parameters, either on the sea surface or as a profile through the whole water column, such as temperature, salinity, turbidity, dissolved oxygen and methane.
Geotechnical Services
We have an extensive marine geotechnical capability, from seabed sampling with grab samplers and box corers to Cone Penetrometer Testing (CPT), to meet the increased demand for integrated hydrographic and geophysical surveys from deep ocean to the shore. We routinely conduct seabed sampling for ground truthing of sediment classification which is often a requirement of hydrographic surveys. We can conduct testing of samples in filed or store samples for further testing depending on your requirements.
Terrestrial Services
We carry out a variety of terrestrial services in support of our offshore or near shore operations or as standalone projects from installation of survey control points and vertical benchmarks and installation of tide gauges and GNSS base stations to full 3D mapping of above water features and infrastructure using 3D photogrammetry with aerial drones.
UXO Surveys
We provide Unexploded Ordnance (UXOs) detection surveys to port authorities, oil & gas companies, the renewable energy sector, cable installers, dredgers and offshore contractors prior to any offshore operations. We offer bespoke solutions, working with UXO consultants, to generate survey designs to optimise efficiency whilst acquiring high quality data for UXO assessment.
- Safety of navigation and under keel clearance
- Port and harbour marine infrastructure surveys
- Cyclone clearance surveys
- Object searching and detection
- Dredging operations
- Geohazard and debris clearance
- Pipeline and cable route surveys
- UXO surveys (unexploded ordinance)
- Environment and habitat mapping
- Heritage
- Seabed sampling
- CPT (Cone Penetration Testing)
- Tide/hydroid modelling
- Current measurement
- Wind speed/direction
- Wave height/direction
- Current speed/direction
- Barometric pressure
- Water temperature
- Salinity
- Water sampling
- Onshore and nearshore topographic mapping
- ROV subsea positioning support
- As-found/as-built survey support
- Tug/barge management systems
- MBES (Multibeam Echo Sounders)
- Sidescan sonars
- Subbottom profilers
- Refraction systems
- Boomers and chirpers
- High resolution 3D seismic systems
- Pipe trackers
- Magnetometers and gradiometers
- USBL (Ultra Short Baseline) acoustic positioning systems
- CPT (Cone Penetration Test) systems
- Aerial drones (photogrammetry)
- Shore mounted tide gauges
- Offshore bottom mounted tide gauges
- Offshore GNSS tide buoys
- Offshore met ocean buoys
- Bottom mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs).